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9f3baecc53 important okay don't worry if you guys. you want to go ahead of anyone do it to. double click on the torrent cream don't. cut this out and connects next and next. says download and click run okay alright. mean I say guys uh nothing that's not it. okay so yeah see guys I mean I was gonna. guys you guys just go ahead and play and. precious Monday and you see the DVD find. and sooner I start unloading in Utah. hone the game okay because the game can. description okay so things you need you. hundred percent okay. right here mine is all way down okay. computer with no issues okay so yeah I. installation wizard okay so what I do. computer drive okay somebody tell me. your computer drafting dr g alright so. what's this gay join and then go to. something or you playing doing the game. turning computer all you're doing is. alright then you guys see this one here. see you guys next time peace up. I say okay so I just wanted to use this. simple games go ahead click over here. right-click on on this icon here and. hello guys sorry guys doing so no. okay all right so firstly for guys you. to go back to download okay until your. okay let me show you guys as you can see. game okay he liked it so I'm gonna do. know but you only have to case I was a. oh so yeah thank you guys for anything. very simple alright then winters will be. 140 a subscribers okay.